Find your soulmate.

Get matched with your perfect date during one of our vetted virtual speed dating events.

MatchDate has simplified the speed dating process for the virtual age with this easy-to-use platform under the guidance of amazing Event Hosts and state of the art technology.

MatchDate is THE virtual speed dating platform for our generation and the world we live in NOW.

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“When I saw you, I fell in love, and you smiled because you knew - William Shakespeare”

Find Your Soulmate On MatchDate

Utilizing state of the art artificial intelligence under the guidance of our event hosts, we create fun virtual matchmaking events, automating the speed dating process.

Using real time data and feedback from each unique user, MatchDate makes sure all matches are based on qualities you want in a future partner.

Never before has there been speed dating technology that makes sure the next speed dating round is actually what you are looking for...until now.

Find Your Match
True love doesn’t mean being inseparable.
It means being separate and nothing changes.

Virtual Events

MatchDate has simplified the speed dating process for the virtual age with this easy-to-use platform under the guidance of amazing Event Hosts and state of the art technology.

MatchDate is THE virtual speed dating platform for our generation and the world we live in NOW.

Try A MatchDate Event